Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What The Snow???

Did it really snow yesterday? I mean seriously, snow in March. I am so fed up with the snow it's ridiculous. I'm ready for the warmth of Spring and Summer because this has been the coldest winter ever.

Good things happened while possible good things fell apart but, hey... things were still going on. Don't get me wrong now. I love being curled up in the house under my fav blanket just as much as the next person. But I'm ready for sunshine!

I've been leaving work @ 5 this week and it has actually turned out to be really good for me. I get my workout in and then I hit the books long enough to satisfy my inner nerd as Eboni calls it. Ya know, she said I was a nerd for liking school supplies and school. I told her she was just mad because she was stupid. LMBO!! that still cracks me up.

Well, I'm going to a BBS meeting tonight to see what's really good. Kinda excited. Got a Delta Sigma Theta meeting coming up soon too. Involvement YAY!!!!!!!!


Don said...

Sunshine appears to be an occurring theme in the two different post I just read. Well, I am pretty sure the snow will clear and the inner nerd (love this label) will begin to enjoy even more involvement.

Blushing Eyes said...

HEYYY, I like school supplies too!!! U ARE NOT ALONE!!!!

Courtney LaShay said...

Yeah... the snow just through me off a bit lol. Yeah, I'm ready for some involvement.

And Thanx Whit!!!!