Friday, March 5, 2010

MIC Check 1-2 1-2

10 seconds to air... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (Belchy's finger point). He always counted us off, even though Sean (My Co-GM and I knew when to go on). Gotta love that guy!

Paid a visit to good ole to Thomas Dale earlier this week. My communications teacher asked me to come and speak to his upcoming GMs about WTDK Radio. WTDK Radio was a show I did when I was attending Thomas Dale. I loved it. I even considered being a mass comm. major because of it. Being there, and seeing the current GMs run the show and the upcoming GMs learn the ropes was like reliving it all over again. I truly miss those days.

I actually felt kind of honored, if you will, when Belchy called me. While I met with the GMs and GMs to be. I was so surprised about how inviting and responsive they were. I was more surprised at myself, glad I had the answers to their questions. The was one girl in particular, I think she'll be a great GM. Her enthusiasm and her willingness to learn more are just... wow. She's thirsty for knowledge and open to other's ideas and opinions, and that is going to make her a great GM.

I ended up speaking to Belchy's entire communications program, which is a little over 200 students in the auditorium that day. They had questions about ideas I wish our staff would have come up with. They were all truly great students. They'll produce an excellent show and each will shine. I believe that. They even asked if I would come back and visit again. And I will, in that short amount of time that I was there I really bonded with the students and I'm looking forward to visiting them again.

So, with my "On Air Adrenaline" flowing... I made some phone calls, scrambled up some references and BAM!!! I got a meeting scheduled with the GM of WVST and recieved some great news. Two of the current people that have shows on the campus radio shows are leaving and two new hosts are needed. Can you say tap that tap that!

I got my fingers crossed and I'm praying I get this chance. Come Mr. Opportunity start kicking my door down!!!

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