Friday, December 31, 2010

Last Remarks of 2010

This year has been one of... well it's just been one of those years. Things have been great, and things have been terrible. But, I'm not complaining, because they could have been a lot worse.

I am so grateful for everything that I had to endure this year, the good and the bad. And as much of a cliche that is I truly mean it.

I have been blessed enough to spend more time with my family from back home more than ever in this year.

I lost an aunt, but gained 2 new baby cousins, both boys and both very healthy. My family members, who never came around before are spending the new year with us and although I was skeptical at first I'm glad they're here.

After tonight, my facebook deleting spree will be over and I will have left everything about 2010 right here in this post.

The beginning of this year started off rocky but got better, and even took a turn for EXCELLENT! But all good things must come to an end and they did.

My level of mental toughness increased as well as my faith in God.

I went through something this year that rocked my world, and ultimately sparked my rebuilding process in which I am about to undergo, well have been undergoing.

My surgery went very well and I'm now at home spending time with family. I knew I wouldn't be in long but still, it felt good to be able to eat some real food.

Hospital food needs to be rethought. It's disgusting!!! I already made a complaint and it better be taken into consideration in the future lol.

I'm clearing my life of the last little bit of clutter left over from my first transformation.

I've lost friends and gained some very important ones. One in particular who I cannot wait to see once break is over.

I took control over my heart again and even made it known! I'm proud of myself and can't wait to see what the new year has in store for me.

NO New Year's resolutions just hard core declarations.

Happy New Year y'all!!!! See ya in 2011 smooches!!!!!

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